What are arrestable and non-arrestable offences?

In the past few years, many incidents occur in which police were called, but no one got arrested. In such cases, the police officers present at the scene merely restricted themselves to recording the identities of the parties involved, as well as, question the witnesses. If you ever fall into the situation of a criminal law where there is not your fault, it is recommended to take help from the criminal lawyer in Singapore. Just like the divorce lawyer in Singapore , a criminal lawyer will also help you to get out of any complex situation and will give you the best legal advice related to your case. Is the alleged offense committed arrestable or non-arrestable? After arriving on the scene, the police configure the situation and determine whether it is an arrestable offense that has been committed. When the police reasonably suspect that an arrestable offense has been committed, then the police have the right to arrest the suspect without a warrant. An...